Trust me. I’ve been frustrated by my absences from blogging.

Greetings everyone! It has been a hot minute since I have posted anything hasn’t it? I just wanted to give you all another quick update concerning the latest of my many absences from this platform. The last 6 plus months have been a whirlwind of chaos for me and spare time has been something of short supply for me once again. The time and energy wasn’t there to enjoy a ton of anime or even write about it. The winds of change are on the horizon and I’m planning on reclaiming some spare time again. Since the worldwide crisis began I have actually had less spare time surprisingly and I am determined to get it back and to start engaging in the community again. I know I have gone down this road before lol with me having an absence, coming back, then vanishing for a while. I frankly am tired of the cycle and have come back with more resolve than I have had in a while.

As for any plans for what is to come, I plan on basically just winging it and writing about whatever comes to mind. I have discovered that it is way less pressure to just write whenever and whatever comes to mind. You will likely see me experimenting with some new ideas for types of content. Of course I will stick to the whole anime/manga theme as it is what has gotten me to this point. That said there is one significant milestone on the horizon- my 300th blog post. That is certainly worth celebrating and I’m happy to take any feedback concerning what you would want to see. Three hundred posts is not possible without an audience who engages and discusses the topics with you so the celebration is as much about you as it is me.

Some of my holiday decorations for a little holiday cheer!

Before I go, I just wanted to wish everyone Happy Holidays- whatever it is that you celebrate. Considering all that has transpired in the last year, I am excited to be celebrating with my family and friends and to be taking some time to recharge. Hopefully you all will be doing the same in the coming weeks. Happy Holidays and best wishes to all of you out there reading this. Hopefully your end of the year and start of the next one go wonderful for you all. So until is next time, this is railgunfan75 signing off! (Wow it feels good to be saying that again!)